Minutes of the Community Centre Committee – 12th May 2021
Wednesday 12 May 2021 at 6.00pm
Via Video Link
Members Present
Cllr I Hibble – Chairperson
Cllr D Aston
Cllr J Chohan
Cllr T Giffard
Cllr K Hughes as Chair of the Finance Committee
Cllr I Hibble was nominated to Chair the meeting to the actual Chair having technical difficulties. This was proposed by Cllr T Giffard and seconded by Cllr J Chohan.
12. Apologies for absence
Cllr A Pucella
13. Declarations of interest
Cllr I Hibble declared a personal interest throughout as he is a Civil Servant working for Welsh Government.
14. Community Centre Refurbishment Project
The Clerk referred Members to the survey of the Community Centre that was undertaken by Barry Coombes from Bridgend County Borough Council (BCBC) which was used to aid the Community Council in applying for the Town and Community Fund. The Clerk reported that the Community Council had been successful in the application and referred Members to the accompanying letter from BCBC with details and Terms of Conditions regarding the funding.
The Clerk explained that after having spoken to BCBC officers from the Communities Directorate, she had been advised that should the Council wish, BCBC Communities Officers would be able to manage the project on behalf of the Community Council, meaning they would undertake any tender process, source quotations, and oversee the project.
It was advised that there would be a cost associated with this, however until a meeting had been arranged between the Council and BCBC officers, a precise cost could not be given. The initial meeting itself would be costed at £40 per hour and would give both the Community Council and BCBC Officers an understanding of how the project will be managed.
Cllr D Aston proposed that a meeting should be scheduled with Barry Coombes and his officers to discuss the works and suggested that it would be beneficial for them to undertake the project management as they have professional experience within this area. He also commented on the fact that essentially it was a BCBC owned building so by using their services and their recommended contractors, this would limit the risk of BCBC having any issues with the standard of work in the future and the payment of the funding.
Cllr I Hibble suggested that a meeting with BCBC would be useful but all works should be done with minimal disruption to users of the Centre and that regular updates should be given to the Community Council and Community Centre Committee.
The Chair of the Finance Committee commented that it was a small and would be worth paying for a meeting with BCBC Surveyors to establish how much their services would cost to oversee the project. He agreed that it would need close liaison with and monitoring by the Community Council.
The Clerk informed Members that the Youth Justice Service are keen to get involved in the project, with regards to minor works, and suggested that if the Community Council went ahead with involving BCBC, we could ask them to work with the Youth Justice Service within the Council.
It was agreed that the Committee recommend to Full Council that a meeting be arranged with BCBC Surveyors to discuss the Community Centre project, which will be attended by the Clerk and the Chair of the Community Centre Committee. This meeting will discuss the cost of BCBC undertaking project management of the list of works on behalf of the Community Council which would then be presented back to Full Council for a decision.
It was also agreed to ask BCBC Communities officers to involve the Youth Justice Service to determine if and how they could assist and contribute to completing some of the smaller work within the Centre.
It was also agreed that the schedule of work should be carried out using the priority list set out by the Committee previously, i.e. Priority 1s, External works, then Priority 2s.
This was proposed by Cllr D Aston and seconded by Cllr I Hibble
Meeting Closed at 6:30pm
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