Minutes of the Finance Committee Meeting – 18th March 2021
Thursday 18th March at 6.00 pm
Via Video Link
Members Present
Cllr J Spanswick – Chairperson
Cllr D Aston
Cllr K Rowlands
Cllr J Spanswick was nominated as Chair for this meeting following the absence of Cllr K Hughes. This was proposed by Cllr D Aston and seconded by Cllr K Rowlands.
16 Apologies for Absence
Cllr K Hughes
Cllr T Walsh
17 Declarations of Interest
18 Review of Financial Regulations
Members reviewed the Financial Regulations and asked questions in relation to online payments. The Responsible Finance Officer explained that although cheques were not as popular and may not be used in the future, there are many risks of doing online payments. It was suggested that some regular payments could start to be moved over to BACs to relieve the pressure if cheques do cause a problem in years to come.
There were no changes proposed to the draft Financial Regulations for 2021-22. This was proposed by Cllr K Rowlands and seconded by Cllr D Aston.
19 Review of Financial Risk Assessment 2021-22
The RFO took the Committee Members through the document, highlighting various aspects for their attention. Referring to the Financial Risk Assessment, Members asked how documents were stored and for how long. The Clerk advised that there was a Retentions Document that set out all the timescales for various documents. Documents were stored on the office computers, in the filing Cabinets or for past minutes from previous years they were stored in Glamorgan Archives. Following discussion, the Clerk confirmed that the methods for computer stored documents and information needed to be looked into to find out how they could be stored on a secure server and archived as necessary.
The Financial Risk Assessment for 2021-22 was agreed proposed by Cllr D Aston and seconded by Cllr K Rowlands.
20 To Appoint the Internal Auditor
The RFO explained to Members that there has been a change in the Audit process in Wales, which has been delayed so would now come into effect next year. These changes mean that Town and Community Councils will have a more detailed audit every three years.
Mr Simon Lewis was appointed at the Internal Auditor, proposed by Cllr K Rowlands and seconded by Cllr D Aston.
Meeting Closed at 6:50pm
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