Minutes of the Finance Committee Meeting – Thursday 19 December 2019
19 December 2019 at 6.00 pm
Committee Room, Brackla Community Centre
Members Present
Cllr John Spanswick (Chair)
Cllr D Aston
Cllr Keith Hughes
Cllr T Walsh
7 Apologies for Absence
Cllr I Hibble
8 Declarations of Interest
9 Precept/Budget 2020-21
The Responsible Finance Officer reminded the Committee of the discussions held in the last Finance meeting held on the 21 November, and the recommendations that were made which were:
It was proposed by Cllr I.Hibble that it be recommended to Full Council that there be a 0% budget increase for 2020-21 so that the precept, including the base rate would be £169,630. This was seconded by Cllr K.Hughes.
Cllr I.Hibble noted that this was predicated on the Community Centre breaking even for 2019-20 and that any Capital expenditure would come from the Community Centre Earmarked Reserve Budget.
It was also agreed that a further finance meeting would be held prior to the December Council meeting to confirm areas where the budget forecast for 2020-21 would be reduced in order to remain within the £169,630.
It was therefore agreed that the main purpose of the meeting was to agree suggested amendments to the budget so that it remained at £169,630.
The RFO proposed the amendment to item 4281, the Christmas lights, from the original value of £15,000 to £12,230 for 2020-21.
Cllr K Hughes proposed that the Council look into the possibility of getting sponsorship for the Christmas lights. Furthermore, Members agreed that the location of the lights needed to be revised for next year as they were too dispersed and should instead be concentrated on the roundabouts. There was also the suggestion for having a light switch on event.
Discussions continued with concerns being expressed by Cllr J Spanswick that caution should be taken in relation to not increasing the budget as this did not take into account a rise in inflation and really could not continue year on year. There was also concern around the reserves being depleted due to expenditures such as the signs which could cost approximately £7500.
The RFO agreed that this would need to be considered next year and following any advice from the Community Centre Committee for example, there could be further expenditure needed in relation to the Centre and the park.
It was the consensus of the Committee that a plan needed to be put in place to consider aspects of the Revenue and Capital budgets and determine the focus of expenditure for the following year. Detailed consideration was needed during 2020 in order to properly inform the November Finance meeting. Further suggestions included looking at what grant funding is available as well as any match funding through the Local Authority.
It was agreed that by adjusting the draft budget and reducing the budget forecast for Christmas lights for next year, the Committee could recommend that there be a 0% budget increase for 2020-21 so that the precept, including the base rate would be £169,630. This would be the Committee’s recommendation to Full Council.
Signed by the Chairperson 2019/20
Cllr John Spanswick ………………………………………………..
Dated: ………………………………………………
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