Minutes of the Full Council Meeting – Thursday 16th July 2020
Thursday 16 July 2020 at 6.30pm
Via Video Link
Members Present
Cllr T Walsh – Chairperson
Cllr D Aston
Cllr E Capparos
Cllr I Hibble
Cllr K Hughes
Cllr A Pucella
Mrs R Keepins – Clerk of the Council
Mr P Ley – Assistant Clerk/ Responsible Finance Officer
Miss H May – Admin Officer
22 Public Address to Council (10 minutes only)
23 Apologies for Absence
Cllr T Giffard
Cllr K Rowlands
Cllr J Spanswick
24 To receive Declarations of Interest in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct (and section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992)
Cllr I Hibble – declared a personal interest being a Civil Servant working for Welsh Government.
Cllr A Pucella – declared a personal interest as a member of Bridgend County Borough Council in relation to item 39 Planning Applications.
25 Ratification of Minutes of the Full Council 18 June 2020
Resolved: The minutes were approved, proposed by Cllr K Hughes and seconded by Cllr E Capparos.
26 Ratification of Confidential Minutes of Full Council 18 June 2020
Resolved: The minutes were approved, proposed by Cllr D Aston and seconded by Cllr K Hughes.
27 Clerks Report including matters relating to the Council’s previous meeting
The Clerk reported that the companies with Roundabout signs had been contacted to inform them of the new procedure and to see whether any of them had a preference for a different location. A few responses had been received and we were awaiting others. Once all have responded a process can be coordinated.
The Clerk thanked Cllr D Aston and the Responsible Finance Officer (RFO) for printing out and distributing posters for this years Brackla in Bloom awards. The poster and information has also been shared on the Council’s Facebook page and Website.
Cllr J Spanswick has met with a Keep Wales Tidy representative and together they have established a wildflower bed at the front of the community centre. Wildflower seeds will be planted in September and it is hoped that the nursery or local primary school might be able to assist with Autumn bulb planting.
The Dog Bag scheme is continuing, and Members have been allocated their individual streets. We have received positive feedback to this scheme from the public who are very grateful to the Council for arranging it at this time.
The Clerk gave a polite reminder for Members to send a photo of themselves so it can be posted on to the Website.
28 To discuss any matters concerning the Community Centre
The Clerk reported that the roof in the foyer of the Community Centre was leaking. A company had been out to take a look and quoted £340.00 for the repair work which will be carried out as soon as possible.
The Clerk informed the Council that all fire safety checks had been completed and relevant signage has been placed in the building.
Having looked into a contract for hand sanitisers, the Clerk reported that Cathedral Hygiene were asking for a 3 year term with the possibility of reducing it to 2. The Clerk advised that there was the option of purchasing hand sanitisers and refilling them ourselves but that it may be more beneficial to use the company who would refill them on a regular basis for a standard fee.
The nursery use of the hall was discussed as it was due for review and the Clerk informed Members that they would like to continue their use during August in order to run the Holiday Club. Numbers would now be up for August due to the holiday club opening.
The Council authorised the clerk to go ahead with a contract with Cathedral Hygiene for Hand Sanitisers at the Community Centre, preferably for 2 years, not 3. This was proposed by Cllr K Hughes and seconded by Cllr D Aston.
It was agreed that charges for Banana Moon’s use of the hall would commence on 1st August 2020 at the usual rate now that their numbers had increased.
It was resolved that the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as set out in Paragraphs 12 of Part 4 and Paragraph 21 of Part 5 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) (Wales) Order 2007 following the application of the public interest test. This was proposed by Cllr I Hibble and seconded by Cllr D Aston.
Brackla Community Council – Money Claim – Update
Following the Council’s consideration of the above, it was proposed by Cllr I Hibble and seconded by Cllr D Aston to return to open session.
29 Brackla Community Council – Covid-19 Update
The Clerk reported that the latest legislation announcement stated that as of Monday 24th July 2020, Community Centres would be allowed to open in Wales under the new Welsh Government Guidance.
The Council discussed the subject of reopening the Community Centre briefly agreeing that discussions needed to be held with group users regarding what was expected of them and what procedures etc had to be followed. Other ideas put forward included possible prioritisation given to certain groups as well as a track and trace system put in place. Members also agreed that there should be no rush to open as the Council should be 100% sure they have everything correct in order to avoid any local rise in Coronavirus cases.
It was agreed that that a Community Centre Committee meeting will be held as soon as possible to discuss the re-opening of the Community Centre and what will be required from hirers. It was agreed that the nursery would be prioritised for the immediate future to assist parents with childcare in the area. The Community Centre Committee would then continue to meet on a regular basis to consider progress as well as any legislative changes and the ongoing implications. This was proposed by Cllr I Hibble and seconded by Cllr A Pucella.
The Clerk informed Members that a list had been created displaying a snapshot of the current workload for the Community Council. It was agreed for the list to be emailed to all Members to see if they wished to assist in any way and lead on individual projects. It was furthermore agreed that due to current pressures there would be no other major items added to the list in the near future until items began to come to some form of completion.
30 Finance:
(a) Approval of the Schedule of Payments June 2020
The schedule of payments were approved, proposed by Cllr K Hughes and seconded by A Pucella.
(b) Bank Reconciliation as at 30 June 2020
The statement was approved as correct, proposed by Cllr D Aston and seconded by Cllr K Hughes.
(c) Monthly Budget Review June 2020
The budget review was approved, proposed by Cllr K Hughes and seconded by Cllr I Hibble
(d) Payments for Authorisation
Resolved: The Payments were approved as below, proposed by Cllr D Aston and seconded by Cllr K Hughes:
Date Cq No Amount Payee Details
204506 cancelled
204507 cancelled
1.7.2020 204508 150.00 D Aston Member’s Allowance
1.7.2020 204509 150.00 C Jackson Member’s Allowance
1.7.2020 204510 150.00 I Hibble Member’s Allowance
1.7.2020 204511 650.00 K Hughes Member’s Allowance
1.7.2020 204512 150.00 E Caporros Member’s Allowance
1.7.2020 204513 389.28 NWS Ltd Waste Collection -June
1.7.2020 204514 84.00 D&R Solutions Pest Control
1.7.2020 204515 241.36 NWS Ltd Waste Collection -July
1.7.2020 204516 150.00 Chris & Daughters Window cleaning Centre
1.7.2020 204517 301.20 JRB Enterprises 20,000 x poop scoop bags
1.7.2020 204518 1935.00 D Thomas Seasonal Bedding
7.7.2020 204519 301.20 JRB Enterprises 20,000 x poop scoop bags
15.7.2020 204520 13.79 Clerk Part Wages
15.7.2020 204521 9.00 Asst Clerk Part Wages
15.7.2020 204522 11.70 Centre Cleaner Part Wages
15.7.2020 204523 11.06 Centre Caretaker Part Wages
15.7.2020 204524 438.99 Admin Asst Wages
15.7.2020 204525 942.20 RCT Pension July
15.7.2020 204526 659.55 HMRC Tax and Ni July
16.7.2020 204527 355.20 RBS Ltd Annual Software Fee
16.7.2020 204528 1684.66 MS Property Grounds Maintenance
16.7.2020 204529 209.57 Clerk See Notes
Notes; Cheque for Clerk
Gompel 159.57 Antibac, Bins and bin bags for Centre
EE 15.00 Top up for Caretaker mobile
Guttridges 35.00 Flowers for Cllr Brett
Members thanked the officers, particularly the RFO for their continued efforts in maintaining the finances of the Community Council so meticulously.
31 Brackla Christmas Lights
The Clerk presented a report detailing proposals for Brackla Christmas lights going forward which was based on the Council’s previous proposal to refocus the lights on the main roads from the roundabouts so that they are not so dispersed.
Cllr D Aston suggested that lights currently on Channel View or Church Acre should be maintained, and that if possible more lights be added to these areas.
Cllr K Hughes agreed to the plan proposed to Members and for any new lights purchased to be put on the roundabouts and to move the older lights to areas that don’t have many.
Cllr I Hibble agreed with both proposals and also mentioned about having new lights put on the tree near the Community centre as they were missing last year.
It was agreed to put the item to the Finance Committee for detailed consideration where they could look at the costings of proposals alongside the Council’s budget and put forward recommendations to the Council. In this way a plan over the next few years could be established which would inform future budget planning.
32 Pebble Pathway Display
Unfortunately, there has been no update from BCBC to date however we are in contact with the individual who is leading the project who will inform us when he has more information. The pathway has been promoted on our website to encourage more people to get involved.
33 Bridgend County Borough Council Summer Playscheme
There has been no further update from BCBC. It was suggested to promote the scheme on our Website should it go ahead.
34 Winter Bedding Plants
The Clerk presented the current proposal for winter bedding flowers for the Council’s approval.
Cllr I Hibble asked the Council if there was a possibility that different flowers could be ordered as some were not always too successful. Cllr D Aston agreed and suggested that the Council needed to add to the displays rather than decrease them.
Cllr K Hughes proposed that suggestions for other flowers should be sent to the Clerk and that more should be added to the proposed order.
It was agreed that further flowers be ordered for winter bedding up to a maximum of £500.00. in order to improve the displays and that these funds be taken from General Reserves.
35 To confirm arrangements for the Annual Community Events:
(a) Fireworks
Members agreed not to discuss the Fireworks as there was still no guidance on gatherings and events as yet for the foreseeable future. A final decision will be made at the September meeting as to whether the event would go ahead.
(b) Brackla in Bloom
The clerk reported that posters had been put out advertising on Social Media and the Council Website and it was now simply a case of waiting for entries to the competition. Entries would close on 7th August and then judging will take place before announcing Winners.
36 Crime Statistics for Brackla
It was reported that the website is still unavailable.
37 To Receive Reports from Members
Cllr K Hughes expressed concern over the current level of service from BCBC in that at times it was somewhat questionable. Whilst he appreciated that times were difficult at the moment, for those residents who do not own a smartphone or a computer, or knew how to use email, getting through to anyone or getting any response was proving very problematic and individuals simply can’t get issues resolved.
In addition to this he also questioned why the crime stats website was still not functioning and asked that both these concerns. If things did not improve he suggested that the Community Council should write to the County Borough Council regarding this.
Cllr I Hibble asked if the Clerk or Borough Members could contact BCBC Officers to ask about a missing bin behind Trem-y-Mor. It was removed while a new pathway was laid but hasn’t been returned. He also reported that there are 7 lamppost baskets missing flowers on Brackla Way. Cllr I Hibble also asked if something regarding ‘Volunteers’ could be added to the Dog Bag delivery article and forms on the Council’s website.
Cllr T Walsh reported that he had been delighted to attend his first school governors meeting at Archdeacon John Lewis Primary School. Cllr T Walsh also reported that he had raised the condition of the pathway at Brackla Meadows in relation to its upkeep. The pathway was the responsibility of Wales and West Housing Association who had been contacted but as of yet this was still an ongoing issue.
38 Agenda items for September 2020 Full Council Meeting
Fireworks Display
39 Date of the next Full Council Meeting –Thursday 16 July 2020
40 Planning Applications
Members agreed the following comments to be put forward to BCBC Planning department:
Brackla Community Council would welcome the offer of photos mentioned under point 8 of the application in order to understand the application and determine whether they wish to raise any objections.
The Community Council is in favour of any necessary reduction or pollarding of any TPO trees but not to any full removal. They also wish to request that no work on these trees be undertaken between the months of April and November as this is bird nesting season.
Meeting ended at 20:45pm
Signed by Chairperson, Cllr T Walsh
Date: ……………………..
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